itself, because each state looks at it differently. >> my sense is your position is this can be done safely and largely is done safely now. obviously there are exceptions to that. are there standardized rules you would like to see as someone who sees it done safely, you would like to see put in place to ensure that always happens? >> have you reviewed the new york supplemental gis? 2,000 pages worth of regulations. just to kind of backtrack, there's a lot of discussion around the table, i wanted to bring up the wastewater issue since we keep alluding to it. the wastewater as we know, obviously, is regulated under the clean water act. there's been a lot of talk about this dick cheney and the halliburton loophole. >> let me say there's an exemption put in in 2005 exempting from the drilling process from a particular kind of scrutiny required by federal law in the safe drinking water