that's right. congress could slash your 401(k) savings to address the deficit. that means those 61 million hardworking americans with workplace retirement plans might not have comfortable, secure retireme retirements, after all. >> okay, that's scary. joining me, personal finance expert carmen wong ulrich. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> you look at that, and you think the sky is falling. would they really touch your 401(k), your i.r.a.? >> it sounds terrifying but i doubt this will happen. even though the top 20% of americans tend to utilize 80% of retirement savings, but the 401(k) is the middle-income way to save for retirement. and here's where they could hit you. for example, this is pre-tax money that you're saving, right? they could hit you there. this is money that you can actually grow tax free. they could hit you with that. but here's where it will hit retirees when it comes to raising taxes on income levels. in retirement when you may money