126 electoral votes, even though his candidate lost his home state, even though his candidate's running mate lost his home state. even though the party lost seats in the house and senate at the same time they were losing the white house, mr. romney's chief strategist says he thought the campaign he ran went just fine. he says they, quote, carried the day. which i'm sure they did, other than the whole losing everything part. you would think there would be a lot of mainstream appropriate yum for stuart stevens here for that fantastical beltway self regard. but the mainstream seems to mostly be ignoring him. the people who are paying attention to what he's saying are the folks on the political right. and they're paying attention because they are not happy. quote, if stu stevens' private advice for romney is as delusional as this op-ed, no wonder he lost. or this one. oh, for f-sake, my brain is burning with fire. that's the reaction for this year's republican presidential campaign chief strategist from conservatives.