but there's no doubt that if eric cantor is willing to at least vote on a deal that has new revenue, that that is a huge paradigm shift. and i think that gives us all hope, although there's still a long way to go, that there can be a deal that has the president has said for a long time, a balanced approach. >> but ruth, what are the democrats willing to give, because there are some democrats, some of the more liberal democrats who are saying let's go over the cliff. that gives us more leverage. >> there's extremes in both parties that say let's go over the cliff. grover norquist was saying it the other day. i just want to -- before we get to the democrats, i want to be debbie downer for a minute on the republican side. i totally agree with mark. we're hearing a different tone and a different bottom line from republicans, so revenue is on the table. real revenue, not just imagined from dynamic scoring, and grover norquist's pledge, i think, is morabund if not already dead. but here is the reason for my