everything, so it helped my self-esteem and all that, so i got happier. >> marie will be released in less than a week. she will be sentenced to a court-ordered independent living program. >> they teach you how to be independent. like you get your own place. you work your way up. you get your job. you go to school. you earn money. you get allowance. you just learn how to be like an adult. the main thing that i'm after is getting my education. and i don't really have, like, what i need to go there. you know. like i don't have a family to support me. i don't have any money. i don't know what to do. i don't know how to get there. all i know is i can get my high school diploma. so like four more days. >> though marie doesn't know what she'll do with her life yet, she does have one wish. >> perfect situation for me finally meeting my dad. he always left letters for me for when i grew up when i was a baby. so i've read those. he sounds like a nice guy. sounds like he cares about me.