reid sat down with obama and obama said to them, in essence, you know, i'm fine doing tax reform in 2013, fine doing entitlement reform during 2013 but you have to get me something to get there and what i'm going to demand is some rates going up and he didn't get an explicit no, at least from what my sources are telling me from boehner. a lot of people are optimistic about that private sign that was given to them as indication that they are ready to deal even if publicly they're staking out far -- >> isn't this the case boehner has done that before. boehner in private could negotiate with the president and then he can't deliver. there's a thing called time. on december 31st doesn't matter what republicans want or don't want to do they will be negotiating a tax cut in 2013 because all the taxes will go up. >> politico says that democrats in the senate have their own fiscal concerns, fiscal cliff issues. harry reid will have to find 60 votes to extend just the middle income tax rates far from a given when a swath of the