the smart conservatives know this is no way to treat a potential voter. a columnist i usually only agree with about movies put it this wa way in his new york post column today. romney didn't say that the election had come out as it did because obama's team had outplayed and outfoxed his. he should have because that's the truth. rather, he said that obama had won the second term essentially through bribery. well, look, i have three rules for both parties as they converge now to do their jobs. respect the voter, respect each other's offices, and search hard for common ground. those are what we should be doing, and that should be the way we're guiding our country's conversation today. not trashing the people who voted against you. but respecting the fact that they did for your own good. david corn is washington bureau chief for mother jones, and joy reid is managing editor of the grio. both are msnbc political analysts. look, let's take a look at some of the stuff from john mccain here. it's been four years since john mccain lost his presidential bid. just ten days since mitt romney