but why can't we have voter i.d. when majority of our people in wisconsin want it, the governor signed it. why should one judge in dade county be able to hold it up? >> there you have the problem with the republican party. pay a lot of attention to that what that woman just said, senate senator. that's the state -- state senator wisconsin, i don't know her, served as mitt romney's co-chair in the state and now she's saying suppressing the vote by requiring voter i.d. cards would have made the difference in wisconsin. let's look at the facts. apparently she's not interested in the facts. obama won wisconsin by 205,000 votes. 200,000 votes plus. she's saying there that that was stolen, the democrats stole. the same day registration. poor people came in the state, they stole over 200,000 votes. that's her claim because there weren't photo voter i.d. card requirements. paul ryan -- there's more of this dog whistle crap going on. paul ryan expressing his surprise that the pro-obama turnout in an interview monday, two days ago, well after the election, they're still talking