policy positions and matching them against their own philosophies, please. they mostly fall into a category political scientists call low information voters. >> the obama and romney campaigns are both courting that rarest of breeds the elusive undecided voter, believed to make up about 6% of the electorate these voters are disproportionately, white, female, lack a college education and earn under $25,000 a year. here is a man never has a problem making up his mind chris hayes host for "up" for a segment we call up now. >> i almost didn't. >> well, real talk. >> up now. >> talk about undecided voters. there is like beginning to see the edges of disdain for these people. >> i think this happens every four years. there's two sides to this. this obsessive putting on a ped da stall we get at the debates when networks will assemble these crews what do you think. and we think it's fundamentally