thought was a very strange thing. so according to the 12th amendment, it's the house of representatives who gets to choose who is the president. but, they do not vote on who's going to be president the way they normally vote on things in the house. in that circumstance, when they're making that specific decision, each state just gets one vote per state. so no matter how many members of congress there are from each state, no matter how big the state's population, each state gets an equal vote. so in this scenario that get us to an electoral tie between mitt romney and president obama, mitt romney wins more states. he wins 29 states to obama's 21 states. which means that if the house of representatives voted, mitt romney would be elected by the house of representatives. nobody can instruct the state congressional delegations exactly how to cast their ballots, they get to decide on their own. you would think they would vote