woman who's been raped, for not having the baby? >> of course not. >> but what he's talking about? the law. you're talking about philosophy. by the way, i agree with your philosophy. but should the law penalize a woman who's been raped? >> i don't believe so. >> do you think he does? he just said so. >> i'm not sure he really does. >> aren't you helpful harry. you come in and help these guys, they say terrible things, you say, he didn't really mean that. he said it! he's running for the senate. >> a lot of people say things stupidly, they get it contorted. >> okay, akin, when he said the guy can't get impregnated by a rape. >> that was different. >> what does that mean? >> that was so significantly dumb, he shouldn't be running for the senate. mourdoch got screwed up on theology about what god wills. the other guy -- >> okay, you're straight, i'm straight, let's go over the gay republican. and there are a lot of them. and you get these guys, and i like them -- >> yeah, they supported me. >> very good candidates. they're now endorsing romney. he opposes them on every front. how do you explain that? >> i don't know the