>> that's the man we first saw in boston during john kerry's convention and the man who ran for president last time. >> it's a strong closing argument. it's justice and jobs. and there are areas where they've linked those really strongly like on pay equity for women. there are areas where you have to think about it a little more and the president has been explaining and really embracing obama care as something that can be good for jobs and good for your pocketbook. and then the negative side of it is one of those editorials was called too many mitts and this idea of romnesia that you can't figure out where romney stands because he can't figure out where he stands and joe biden says it's contagious. the next question is it an ftd, a fox-transmitted disease. because if it is. >> i think it may be. >> because if it is, because fox was attacking romney back when he was for regulated assault