but obviously a lot of discussion about it on the internet. but i do think that that's not going to be the moment that's replayed a great deal over the next 24 to 48 hours. i think that's going to be the libya moment and the 47% moment. one of the things i find inexplicable about the debate, you come to the end of the debate. you know the president's going to get the last word. you've just gotten through the second debate without a single mention of the 47% comment which devastated your candidacy and your campaign over the month of september and you proactively bring it up putting your chin out over the plate for the president to wallop you on. >> right out there on the ledge. >> he did it at the end thus allowing the president to have the last word on it. that was just a bad piece of debate tactic there. >> i think it's like taking it to the wrong goal line. >> your own goal in soccer. >> the binders of women thing will have legs because of