here is old moderate mitt. where you been, boy, i missed you all these last two years. >> welcome back to "hardball." old mod are the mitt as bill called him, called him last week. front and center appearing in swing states and on the airwaves. he's even touting his record as a republican governor who worked with democrats in massachusetts. hardly the guy we watched all through the primaries. but just how bipartisan was mitt romney as governor and which romney would show up at 1600 pennsylvania avenue if elected? the severe conservative or the nonthreatening moderate? with me are two guests who know his record out there in massachusetts. shannon o'brien ran against romney in the 2002 massachusetts governor's race and scott hellman co-authored the biography called "the real romney." see that in bookstores everywhere. let me start with shannon. thank you for joining us, dear.