relatively easy to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon, these officers aren't taking any chances. >> the best thing to do is as quickly as possible was to get this person on the ground with their hands behind them in handcuffs. >> he's taken away in an unmarked police vehicle and brought to this transfer station. generic white male's car is searched. >> there's some condoms and things like that in there. >> and he's put in a marked police car and taken to jail. the next morning, he's brought before a judge and bail is set. >> a composite bond of $40,000. that's all. >> get up on four. gold car coming down is our boy. >> after previous investigations in four different states, we've seen and heard some strange things, but even we were surprised at what we found here in florida. >> all i got to say is, ain't nothing going on in here, dude, nothing funny going on here. >> coming up, a suspect comes knocking while his sister and her kids wait in the car.