actually i thought was a resignable offense saying that the president sim pa thieszed with the people. >> there are a lot of people that are nominally on romney and ryan's side that condemned this stuff. >> yes. >> but i want to separate. now there's this broader politization. we should know what the heck happened in libya. we should know about why there was this gap. when you want to talk about politics, what's striking to me is the absence of the state department from all of this. this is what's bizarre. this is state department facility. it's a state department employee. from my reporting in the state department, stevens and hillary were fairly close. there was a personal line. he was seen as an incredibly important member of the foreign service. he had a distinguished career. the libya intervention was a huge signature of the obama foreign policy. as soon as this happens, it's the white house, jay carney and susan rice out on the sunday shows who are doing all the defense of it and state is essentially nowhere to be found. susan rice after it's clear what