there was a bit of an exchange here tonight that made it unclear what the facts were. i want to play the exchange and get your take on who was right here. go ahead. >> medicare and social security did so much for my own family, we are not going to jeopardize this program, but we have to save it. >> you are jeopardizing the program. you're changing the program from a guaranteed benefit to a premium support, whatever you call it. the bottom line is people are going to have to pay more money out of their pocket, and the families i know and the families i come from, they don't have the money to pay more out of their pocket. >> they're talking about medicare there. in terms of social security, at some point, martha said, you stood with bush on privatization, saying that to paul ryan, specifically talking about when he was in the congress during the bush administration back in the mid-2000s. >> it isn't just that paul ryan stood with bush on privatization. he stood well to the right on privatization. this is from a memo from pete wayner, who's a member of the