personal testimony to many americans that would have been inspired and gung ho for joe biden had he re-enforced the president was the guy calling the shots. the president made some hard decisions. ryan couldn't answer that. ryan sounded like a man that was giving talking points whereas biden talked like a man that had convictions. >> there was a little bit of style there tonight on the part of biden. at times he talked like a lunch bucket democrat. these guys. you know, these guys. it was masterful. >> i want to go to marsha blackburn. we've heard from a couple people who are supporting obama and biden tonight. we want to bring congresswoman blackburn in. she's a republican from tennessee. she supports the romney/ryan tick. she joins us from the spin room tonight. congresswoman, thank you for your time tonight. nice to have you here. >> thank you. >> chris matthews, my colleague, is just outside the building where you are right now. chris, i know you wanted to get in the first question here. >> i'm trying to figure out,