archnemesis. >> what's going on duck boys? what about it dimples. >> nobody calls me dimples anymore. >> really? because i just did. >> that's phillip mcmillen. he challenges the brothers to an old-fashioned lawnmower race. what could possibly go wrong? >> you ever won any of these? >> yeah, i win them all. if you boys are interested you mate want to meet me up there for a little race on saturday night. >> are you challenging me? >> if you all can put something together. >> you can talk any red neck into a challenge. >> i'll beat the crap out of you. >> that's why so many red necks die in such strange ways. because he would rather be dead than disrespected. >> oh, that show is awesome. check it out wednesday nights. finally a cycle fan with an artistic touch. i think steve kornacki takes top prize. after all, his bangs are