contradicted romney. ryan said lowering the tax rates was more important than anything else, including getting rid of those deductions to pay for them supposedly. let's watch. >> what's most important to romney, what would he scale back on the 20% tax cut for the wealthy? would he scale back and say, okay, we're going to have to raise taxes for the middle class? i guess the question is what's most important to him in his tax reform plan -- >> keeping tax rates down. by lowering tax rates, people keep more of the next dollar they earn. >> that's more important -- >> that's more important than anything. >> in other words, it is, in fact, a tax cut. it's not a tax caught offset by deductions. it's to get the tax rates down from 35% to 38%. that's the goal he said. >> romney said something interesting in the debate where he basically said nobody can say that my tax cut is going to add to the deficit if i say it won't. well, in fact, everybody who has