her point is, i think, i'm qualified, i got accepted to all these other schools. but just in the process, i couldn't get accepted in the university of texas because of an underlying quota system or point-based system that basically said my understanding is university of texas has 52,000 students. out of those 52,000, 5% are black. that doesn't represent texas. texas has 12%. hispanics 18%. statewide is 39%. what texas i think is trying to do is trying to diversify it's community through a point-based system, right? >> not -- it's actually that they have a race blind policy system for the vast majority of the students. the top 10% of all high school graduates no matter what high school you graduate from -- >> from texas? >> right. gets into texas state system but not necessarily the flagship. is that right? >> the top 10% gets in. they get guaranteed admission.