more jobs across lots of different industries in parts of the country so we're making progress. you know, it is important to point out that these numbers are very volatile month to month based on small surveys and this over states the case. it's not as strong as the data suggests but it makes a strong case that the economy is improving. >> when you have a 30-year -- the big gap, the big jump of 30 years and total number of people added to the employment rolls do you look at that and say, is that an outlier or do you think, this makes up for those weak jobs numbers over the last three or four months that you thought were under estimating what was out there? >> yeah, well i'll give you an economist's answer. both. i mean, this -- right? this over states the case. you know, if you look at the details of the 800,000 job gain, a little over half of that was people who are working part-time because they can't find a full-time job. so that's not, you know, a particularly good thing and is probably related to seasonal adjustment issues and