she's like a lot of other women who have cut a path in politics. she's doing that, and she's done so very effectively. so i think we really kind of need to grow up about how we treat women in politics. everybody knows something that is misogynist or condescending to the point of being offensive. i think that doesn't get close to that. i think -- >> why do you think the audience roared at that one? >> i think -- that's probably more political as opposed to anything having to do with gender. >> you guys handled this really well. by the way, it's a tough call. i think this race is really close and i don't think that debate made it any less close. thank you susan milligan, and michael, as always, a fair guy. up next, another etch-a-sketch moment for mr. mitt romney. he keeps flipping. he's flipped on illegal immigration. now he won't revoke, he says, obama's two-year-old visas for young immigrants. he's flipped so many times. [ snoring ] ♪ [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] introducing zzzquil sleep-aid.