battled a monster and lived to tell the tale. the hunters captured a 40 foot long alligator. bill says it's huge. that's an understatement. it weighs 697 pounds. well, once they hooked the animal, it took them two hours just to get close enough for the fatal shot. the catch is the largest in state history. and finally, fried feuds usually get all the press at the texas state fair, but not on monday. we have a new star, everyone. you can see why. chefs used 635 bags of fritos corn chips, 635 cans of hormel chili and then 580 bags of shredded cheese to make the world's largest frito chili pie. thank you for doing that. it weighed over 1,300 pounds. now for a look at your national weather, we turn to nbc meteorologist bill karins who has your weather channel forecast. no joke, i once saw a frito chili pie where they just threw