politically -- it turns out not to work politically. >> i want to get to something. in the very first interview romney and ryan gave after ryan joined the ticket, bob sheath pointed out that ryan's budget plan could be trouble for romney. let's listen. >> there's no question your campaign has been trying to make this election a referendum on barack obama. now, some people are saying you are making it a referendum on paul ryan's budget plan. >> well, i have my budget plan, as you know, that i've put out. and that's the budget plan that we're going to run on. >> and again, this sunday romney had to distance himself from ryan's positions and assert that he's the man at the top of the ticket. let's listen. >> the president's cutting $716 billion from current medicare. i disagree with that. i would put those dollars back into medicare. >> mr. ryan has proposed something similar, almost

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