of key swing states, the obama folks have twice the number of field offices. "the l.a. times" looked at the payroll numbers. they find the obama campaign is employing twice the number of staff as the the romney campaign last month at about the same cost. there are twice as many people working on the obama campaign if you exclude the $200,000 the romney campaign paid out in bonuses to its campaign officials last month, the romney's payroll number was still roughly the same as president obama's even though president obama had double the number of boots on the ground. fewer romney staff but they get paid a lot more. there's a reason president obama is ahead in the last 20 national polls. there's a reason he's up by eight in the latest "washington post" poll in ohio. his campaign is doing more and whichever way you squint at the data, president obama is winning his effort at reelection.