the tea party loved him. they were so happy when mitt picked hip but they're now very disappointed. it looked like a rare moment of courage for mitt romney, but instead he decided to run away from paul ryan's positions as fast as he could, shake the etch-a-sketch again, and now you have conservatives who are grumbling and saying this, but it would, of course, be disaster for romney. >> the same question for you, gene. i was at a family event and my 90-year-old stepmother is having her birthday. one of the people in the family is a doctor. the word is out this could kill this ticket of romney and ryan, this whole thing of messing with medicare. nobody wants it messed with apparently. >> nobody wants it messed with. you saw the reaction that paul ryan got at aarp the other day. a chorus of boos. people don't want to screw around with the program and voucherize it the way paul ryan wants to do. and so i think this sort of let ryan be ryan thing just isn't