or read about questions about his taxes. the next several days takes him all the way up to the debate point, his last chance to really change the dynamic in this election. and he has wasted the buildup to it. bad politics on the timing. bad policy in terms of the fairness question. there's something else here. he claims that these are capital gains. and that he's a job creator. let's remember, this is a loophole for venture capitalist. he didn't go out and start a business in a basement. if he could tell that story, he would be in a better position with the american people. in fact, he's a financial guy. these are fees. it's a deferred income. it's a loophole. if you're looking to campaign as a reformer, someone to clean up the tax code, this isn't the way to do it. >> dean baker, romney defends his tax rate as fair in part of the double taxation argument. but the bottom line, isn't he gaming the system? >> he's totally gaming the system. a couple of points here. first off, my understanding bain capital is organized as a partnership. that means it's not even taxed at the corporate level.