i'll smile loving into the camera until i see the "60 minutes" piece, you know? >> okay. >> all right. they're telling me that we don't have it. i'll stop smiling lovingly into the camera. one thing we did play off the top was part of mitt romney's "60 minutes" interview where he talked about the big idea was freedom. also not saying that he's going to make any campaign changes between now and election day. but the big idea about freedom, has mitt romney crafted that vision large enough for republicans across this country? because the only thing we hear about when it comes to freedom is not freedom of choice, it's not going to be freedom to marry your same-sex partner, it's not going to be freedom to go to the polls and vote unless you've got the right voter i.d. to do it. so where is your freedom? >> well, i think to step back where the campaign needs to go if there's going to be a shift, it really goes to dana's point earlier about where is the core mitt? he's got to talk more about than freedom. he's got to offer specifics. what's he going to offer up? in the debate coming up in nine