those people. >> perhaps i made a bit of a honey booboo. >> good evening. i understand there's a video that's been on the internet. >> but when i say people, i mean black people. >> it's not elegantly stated. >> there's no such thing as a free lunch. lunch is $50,000 a plate. >> aka the amount of money it takes to see mitt romney [ bleep ] on them in person. >> he was inarticulate. >> it's so sad. stop being a victim. >> you all but called them moochers. >> i think it's fine to talk about those things in quiet rooms. >> you represent the entire country. >> obviously doesn't need to do this for a job. >> romney, 9.0. how did the reboot go? >> this is a campaign about the 100%. >> my thinking is maybe you haven't gotten around a lot. >> which we're hearing about today on the internet. >> because i actually believe in redistribution. >> redistribution, which is just fancy talk for a black guy's coming for your stuff. >> stop it. this is hard. you want to try it, get in the ring. >> the president today threw in