macaque monkey cannot live on frosted flakes and frosted flakes alone. >> they're great! >> reporter: the overweight 22-year-old monkey who finally revolted against its helicopter mom is now under the care of a conservation group and being fed a diet of fruits, vegetables and count chocula. and the number one story of the week. president obama spent most of the week on serious matters of foreign policy, but he was able to carve out a little time in his schedule for impromptu bear hugging. >> you are, like, the biggest pizza parlor owner i've ever seen, man. >> reporter: after some romantic laughing and back slapping, the 260-pound owner of a florida pizza joint went all in, wrapping up the leader of the free world and lifting him off the ground. >> for the people who didn't see it. >> reporter: the bear hug was an act of love, but one was left to wonder, where exactly is the secret service intervention