there signs progress is made? >> reporter: tamron, this was the first day we heard optimistic words from both sides as they went into the talks a little more than four hours ago. the union president said out of scale of 1 to 10, she rated the chances of an agreement today at a 9. both sides, the city side, the school board side said unless things go absolutely nutsy, they would have a deal. apparently there was a great deal of progress made yesterday in talks that ended around midnight. they say the big difference was that they made progress on the issue of teacher evaluations. that's been one of the big stumbling blocks. how much of the teacher evaluations would be based on standardized testing. they said that they really drilled down the details and the talks yesterday. they made a great deal of progress. they felt there was enough progress they could reach a deal today. however, karen lewis, the union president said if there was a deal today, it would still have