>> reporter: he told florida sunday that mitt romney's tax plan doesn't add up. >> you already have deficits. you add $5 trillion of new tax cuts, $2 trillion in new defense spending, and somehow you're going to close the deficit without raising taxes on middle-class families. they did not take their arithmetic course. >> contrary to what the democrats are saying, i'm not going to increase the tax burden on middle-income families. it would absolutely be wrong to do that. >> reporter: romney hits battleground ohio today and wisconsin in a new tv ad. >> here in wisconsin, we're not better off under president obama. >> reporter: on "meet the press" sunday, romney made news saying he'd keep parts of what republicans call obamacare. >> to assure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like. >> reporter: while there are sharp differences over jobs and taxes. >> i don't believe another round of tax cuts for millionaires are going to bring jobs back from overseas. >> reporter: one thing is clear.