the case that we see now 30 straight months of private sector job growth, 4.6 million jobs created. and i believe that the folks see that kind of progress around the country. and so for mitt romney to say, well, there's been no progress whatsoever, folks can tell the difference between what they see out there, and what he's saying. >> peggy noonan, where is this race right now? two conventions, this interview with romney, where are we now with less than 60 days? does it feel like romney's behind or not? >> it feels like it's very close and amazingly nobody knows what's going to happen. i feel like the two conventions coming so close to each other, were a bit of a blur. one night these guys yell, and the next night these guys yell. everything, i think, is about the debates right now. when the debates come, mr. obama's going to say, mr. romney, why would they vote for you when you represent the