so you -- there's got to be some nervousness on the part of the obama team until they see the text of his speech which apparently is being written by bill clinton which -- usually uses speech writers. so -- you know, to the extent he wrote a lot of this i am hello, this could prove interesting and he doesn't like to be controlled. he doesn't like to be on anybody else's script and he's going to go his own way. it is going to be fun to see what happen. >> joan, correct the correction. >> i just remember that we p went through this in 2008. and there was all this drama. that was real drama. bill clinton was very angry. there's no doubt about that. but that was real drama about how he was going to behave and he -- he gave a terrific speech and has been a great surrogate and gone off the reservation a few times. it is true. with his remark about romney having a sterl career and, you know, maybe they shun go so hard on bain capital. he does do that. you know, i don't expect anything like that tonight. >> i don't either.