reprise last september. you as a yankee fan you have to admit when a club collapses like this and seems to roll over, part of you, part of you, says you know, you can't lose fast enough. >> we don't have the red sox self-loathing. we're going to win this. >> willie, wouldn't it be something if the yankees didn't even get a wild card birth. wouldn't that be something. >> it's possible. >> wouldn't it be great? other teams are playing well, though. >> they're playing great. >> go birds. >> i believe derek jeter and the yankees are just building a beautiful narrative for their little engine that could victory coming up. up next harold ford jr. joins us for mika's must-read opinion pages. keep it on "morning joe" live from blackfinn salon. >> look at him meeting the voters. [ female announcer ] the power to become a better investor has gone mobile.