medicare change for seniors while the rich absolutely give up nothing. >> more so than that, actually. so you keep the bush tax cuts, make them permanent. then ryan adds $4.5 trillion more in tax cuts. he hasn't said how he'll pay for them. just told the budget office assume i'll pay for this. i'll clean the tax code, kill the home mortgage interest deduction and pay for all of this. if he doesn't do that, his budget is a huge deficit buster. one point to crystal who's correct, romney's plan is much vaguer. what he has offered is his overall targets. romney's plan is much more aggressive even than ryan's plan. ryan is cutting $3.5 trillion from the deficit from the budget over ten years. romney needs to cut $7 trillion. he's not keeping the medicare savings. now he needs to cut $8 trillion and increasing the defense budget. the kind of cuts would be 57% to every single program in the