between when you start the business and start generating revenue the business. you want to keep that as short as possible. so don't spend money on things that won't generate revenue for the business. always think about how to extend the life of your assets, how you can work a little bit harder before you hire another person, but certainly when you have that time to hire somebody, bring them on so that you can start generating more revenue. >> you were an interesting guest because you have done it from both sides, backage, your company provides money and you also had to get your own money. appreciate you coming on. thanks so much. >> thank you. appreciate your time. what kind of person should you be and what skills do you need to be successful entrepreneurs? here are five timeless trait that is should be in any business bag of tracks. one, networking prowess. connecting with people on facebook or linkedin won't cut it. real networking happens face to face and often with people who aren't their peers.

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