police. the local police would have the first and primary responsibility for trying to apprehend and to investigate this. because it involved a firearm, the federal authorities usually the department of i call it -- >> tobacco and firearms. >> right. they would be brought in to look at the gun and trace how it was obtained, etcetera. now, i think here the gun was obtained legally. almost 21 years ago. >> right. in florida. >> he didn't have a permit to carry in new york but a permit to carry doesn't do much good once the gun has been used. but that's the way the response would be. and we traced these crime guns and again this fellow was not your typical gun criminal. your typical gun criminal is someone with a prior record who can't get a gun, who has to get a gun through an illegal source or through a gun show. the gun show loop hole. or has to get it by buying it on the street from a straw