harris, we've got tour boats going below so i'm not rocking here with a disco behind me. it is the tour boats on the chicago river. thanks very much. >> sounds fun. >> it's great fun. we always like to get to the great windy city. thanks, john. >> see you soon. >> battle over medicare teed up there. up next, from the romney campaign, former new hampshire governor john sununu. quiet, soft-spoken, will be here next. my cut hurt! mine hurt more! mine stopped hurting faster... [ female announcer ] neosporin® plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. neosporin® plus pain relief. for a two dollar coupon, visit neosporin.com. until i got a job in the big apple. becoming a fulltime indoor cat wasn't easy for atti. but he had purina cat chow indoor. he absolutely loved it. and i knew he was getting everything he needed