medicare and budget proposal you didn't write on the ballot? >> there are about 100 pages here of details. >> it guts medicare. >> changes maerd to essentially a voucher program. >> cuts social program. >> cuts the medicaid, food stamps, transit infrastructure. >> that is what is so controversial. >> the medicare conversation, thus far, has made me want to slam my head into a wall a thousand times. >> we're finding out what paul ryan has actually been up to in the last years. >> how many years of tax returns did you turn over to the campaign? >> is the tax return issue, is it gone? >> this tax thing is going to stay -- >> i'm going to release the same amount of years that governor romney has. >> is it going to come back? >> is paul ryan a better pick than sarah palin? >> i would say he's less -- well, he's -- >> yes, much better. >> give it a little bit of time for people to really get a sense. >> he's sarah palin with gravitas. >> at least he's believable! >> thank you. >> no one believes mitt romney. >> if you don't run chris christie, romney will be the nominee and we'll lose.