political celebrities trying to pass the personhood in mississippi, trying to criminalize abortion and birth control. mike huckabee asked mitt romney if he would have supported personhood in massachusetts. >> would you have supported the constitutional amendment that would have established the definition of life at concession? >> absolutely. >> absolutely. that was mitt romney, october of last year, signing on to a policy that would ban all abortions with no exceptions for rape or incest. it would ban most forms of birth control. it would likely ban in vitro fertilization. that's what mitt romney said he would absolutely support as of october of last year. but in mississippi, a totally grassroots opposition movement grew up around this issue. personhood opponents held a save the pill rally in oxford, mississippi, in october. billboards like this one went up around the state. vote no to personhood for eggs, and amendment 26 makes birth control a lethal weapon. with that, mississippi said no to personhood by a big double digit margin. that's mississippi. the thing mitt romney said he