swing state women were going to be coming out, supporting this president in november which many people, analysts are saying that this could be a huge factor in the election? >> yeah. i'd have to say that after today i'm feeling very confident. you can tell from some of the footage that you've played that that was a packed auditorium and those people were fired up. and the biggest applause and cheers were when i talked about what affordable care act will do. women won't have to pay more for insurance just because they are women and the auditorium goes crazy, these are people who understand the difference that these policies make in their lives and they are ready to fight for a president who has fought for them. >> rush limbaugh wants a finder's fee for putting you in the limelight. i think he's probably mixing up his facts when it comes to just exactly how you splashed on the naonal scene. it was the democrats, if i recall, who asked to you testify