anyone. >> a hard-hitting ad on mitt romney has his campaign in a tail spin. >> if people had been in massachusetts under governor romney's health care plan, they would have had health care. >> republicans are jumping all over the romney camp's response. >> that's the potential gold mine for the obamaites. >> we weigh in on the consequences of outsourcing, and nbc news political analyst howard fineman is here with the politics. >> president obama arrives in colorado to highlight romney's archaic stance on women's rights. >> my opponent has a different view. he said he would take the affordable care act and kill it dead. >> today, sandra fluke on the republican-led war on women. mitt romney has this guy hitting the president on welfare reform. >> you're calling mitt romney a liar? >> well, you seem shocked by it, yes. >> the washington post's e.j. dionne is here with the latest.