the president failed. that's no surprise. the president obviously hasn't failed. he's done a tremendous amount of progress and we want to make sure we've got four more years of continuing that progress so we can get to where we all want to be. >> joy, the polling turnaround here is going to have to happen at a point in the calendar where it can hold. if romney is going to turn this around, when does the clock start to run out? >> well, i mean, the problem for mitt romney is that it appears that americans have already factored in their negative attitudes towards the economy. i think they're counting on jobs reports. that every time there's a negatives job report, there will be one right before the election, that will be his opportunity. but that hasn't worked. people already have a sour attitude towards the economy. and they still prefer barack obama to mitt romney. it's still a choice, not just a referendum. so i think probably what they're counting on is the convention. when he can sort of present his case, when the entire country is sort of watching. that somehow romney can make this grand case. the problem is, he doesn't have the personality for that. i have yet to see the mitt