>> and also people who live in old ethnic neighborhoods. not just black people. let's face it. in south philly and people like that. a the love people live in rowhouses. they don't all drive. and the older they get, the more they shouldn't drive, to be blunt about it. >> it disproportionately impacts philadelphia. that's no coincidence. this was cooked up with a partisan effort to win this election. >> let me talk turkey with you. i'm looking at these numbers. i think it's a reach for the republicans. but i think this election is explosive. i don't think it is too close to call. i think it is too early to call this election. i don't know which way it will zig zag between now and november. we've got a new number out here. real clear politics average. it says it is within 47 to 42. to me that's no difference at all. that's almost within the point spread within the margin of error. your thoughts about whether with the help of this i.d. card requirement, the republican could steal that state. >> well, chris, with the help of the i.d. card, if the state party and others were not doing