they want the discounts. they don't believe, necessarily. one law that limits hand guns purchases to one a month which means your law-abiding citizens can buy 12 a year, who in god's name would need more than 12 hand guns a year? but it stops that straw purchaser who walks into every gun store in cleveland and in pittsburgh and in erie and buys 15 semi-automatic smith and wesson pistols. everyone knows what he's going to do with them. he's going to sell them to felons and juveniles who can't buy guns lawfully, he will make 200% profit. why not stop him? why not stop him? >> governor, i want to bring in dan gross, president of the brady campaign, who is still with us. dan, there are several pieces of gun control legislation that have been introduced but not addressed in congress. among them, a ban on high capacity ammunition magazines that the governor mentioned, requiring background checks on all gun sales, requiring background checks on all gun sales at gun shows, a ban on gun