obviously it's not something mitt romney is practicing right now, but dealing with political innuendo, isn't that really difficult to do in a case like this if you're not going to go after mitt romney and you're saying that they have an obligation to own up to what his business dealings were really. if he did commit some type of s.e.c. fraud filings, who is going to go after him for that? why not deal with what are the facts of this, whether or not someone is going to go and search out whether or not he did perpetrate some type of fraud? >> well, that's part of the reason why we need to see his tax returns because we don't know, and it's why george romney, his father, set a resident, a rightful precedent, for subsequent candidates for president of the united states that -- and he even said at the time that releasing one year of tax returns, which is all that mitt romney has released in this campaign, is not enough because it could be an anomaly. it won't show, you know, the rest of the story on a candidate's finances, and mitt romney was certainly willing when he was pursuing, you know,