>> it peeled the gun out of his hand. there was nothing he could do to hold on to it and split it into about three different pieces. >> his gun immediately just exploded. >> the gunman is completely shocked. >> he's just sitting there looking and he had the most dumbfounded look on his face. it was like he didn't know where up was or where down was. >> wood takes advantage of connolly's surprise and tackles him to the ground. >> i rolled him over and he had a little cut on his chin and he had little cuts on his fingers, i think, from a little bit of the shrapnel. i said, see, man, we didn't want to hurt you. and he said that was a great shot. >> douglas connolly is taken into custody and spends just 16 days in jail for inducing panic. >> did you expect them to shoot you? >> sniper michael plumb's perfect shot is all over the news. and plumb receives a special tribute from his fellow swat team members.