meteorologists come in at 19% which seems to me, really, a big, big, big part of the problem because that's where people are getting their day-to-day information about what's going on with their atmosphere. >> there's actually been some really good work going on recently. there's a group called forecast the facts that has been working with weatherman to try to get them to deal forthrightly. i think the biggest problem is the one that you alluded to in your opening with your local station in washington who would not give you the footage of the weather forecast. the local stations are terrified of the right-wing pressure on this and they pass the word down. all of that is going to come out in the wash because, at this point, americans can't help but see with their own eyes what's going on, the percentage of americans who believe in global warming is actually much higher than that now. it's gone up a lot in the last six months and that's because we keep having the most incredible

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